Groundbreaking Decision
On May 9, 2018 the California Energy Commission voted 5-0 to require solar on all new homes starting January 1, 2020. California is the first state to take this bold action supporting our shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy.
This turnkey approach is BARC’s first step toward supporting local action in our Bay area cities and counties to meet California’s bold goals for reducing greenhouse gases.
What is the Solar Ordinance?
The California Energy Commission (CEC) developed a model solar ordinance and cost effectiveness analysis for cities that applies to new single-family and low-rise multifamily buildings.
Our toolkit is designed to help our region adopt the new CEC ordinance and move more quickly through the approval process.
You’ll find a set of customized information, data, templates and recommended language below to get started.
The Solar Toolkit Basics
Outreach Package: Review our PowerPoint slides that cover the basics of the ordinance and our toolkit. Edit it to fit your needs and present to others.
Local Adoption & State Approval Process: Get a quick step-by-step guide for local adoption and obtaining state approval.
Prepare Your Ordinance
Prepare Your Ordinance: Instructions for filling out the ordinance template.
Ordinance Template: Use this template to modify requirements that are consistent with your local government’s reach.
Submit Your Letter
Transmittal Letter Template: Submit your letter to the California Energy Commission by modifying this template.
Your letter should have three attachments:
- The ordinance template.
- A resolution if findings are not in the ordinance.
- Your cost-effective study.
Demonstrate Cost-Effectiveness
Tips on Your Cost-Effectiveness Study: You must obtain state approval by proving that the ordinance will be cost-effective in your community. You can conduct this analysis in-house, with a consultant or from existing reports.
Program Support
When you adopt our solar ordinance plan you get one-on-one technical assistance. Check out the helpful resources below, and if you still have questions please email us.
Contact Information:
Bay Area Regional Collaborative
Additional Solar Toolkit Resources
CEC Cost Effectiveness Analysis
* The Bay Area Model Solar PV Ordinance is a partnership effort of the Bay Area Regional Collaborative, the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, and the Bay Area Regional Energy Network.