BARC Adopts Joint Resolution to Address Climate Change

On September 17th, 2021, the BARC Governing Board unanimously approved a Joint Resolution to Address Climate Change, through which its member agencies committed to working with BARC staff to develop a Shared Work Plan that will advance coordinated implementation of some of the highest-priority actions identified in the key regional agency plans and platforms over the next one to five years.

SF Bay is rising - are we moving fast enough to adapt?

An article published in the San Francisco Chronicle today underscores the urgent need for action to address sea level rise on the Bay Area's 400 miles of shoreline, the costs of which could approach $100 billion over time. The article highlights some of the innovative financing and regulatory developments that have occurred to facilitate adaptation actions, with a specific focus on wetland restoration to create buffers against rising seas.

BARC, BCDC and partners announce release of Adapting to Rising Tides (ART) Bay Area

Last week, BARC and its partners announced the release of Adapting to Rising Tides (ART) Bay Area, the first-ever regional comparison of the impacts of rising sea level on people, the environment, and the regional systems we rely on. This report provides a better understanding of where we are vulnerable and lays out a pathway to plan for the future.