BARC Kicks Off Shared Work Plan Development

Following the adoption of BARC's Joint Resolution to Address Climate Change in September of 2021, cross-agency working groups from BARC's member agencies have begun the process of developing a Shared Work Plan, which will strategically align agency planning and regulatory initiatives within a 1-5 year time frame in order to accelerate the implementation of specific strategies that advance shared climate mitigation and adaptation goals. 

BARC Adopts Joint Resolution to Address Climate Change

On September 17th, 2021, the BARC Governing Board unanimously approved a Joint Resolution to Address Climate Change, through which its member agencies committed to working with BARC staff to develop a Shared Work Plan that will advance coordinated implementation of some of the highest-priority actions identified in the key regional agency plans and platforms over the next one to five years.

The Murky Case for Mass Telecommuting

An article in Bloomberg CityLab highlights the 60% telecommute strategy recently added to Plan Bay Area 2050, and some criticism around the proposed mandate. At its September 23rd meeting, BARC member agency the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) proposed, as one of 35 strategies in Plan Bay Area 2050, that large office-based employers should have a minimum of 60% of employees work remotely on any given workday by 2050.