California sea otters may be reducing erosion as they recolonize historic habitat

Conservation meets climate resilience in Monterey Bay. A recently published study of monitoring of the Monterey Bay Elkhorn Slough estuary shows that despite sea level rise and other stresses, a restored sea otter population is slowing erosion of salt marsh edges. Predator-exclusion experiments revealed that sea otters suppress the abundance of burrowing crabs that feed on grass pickleweed which stabilize the marsh.

The Bay Area Billionaires Are Breaking My Heart

An opinion article in the New York Times today highlights the Bay Area's rapid and, at least so far, successful response to the COVID-19 crisis, juxtaposing it with a defining challenge that the region continues to grapple with: a lack of affordable housing and entrenched homelessness, despite being home to one of the highest concentrations of immense wealth in the world.