Tools & Resources

Our maps, data and reports are a core BARC necessity. These evidence-based tools and resources help support our actionable planning efforts across the region. 

Results Showing 11 - 20 of 97


Paying for Climate Adaptation in California provides a pragmatic overview of the opportunities and constraints currently faced by planning authorities, asset operators and owners, and private entities in funding adaptations especially for large-scale infrastructure. AECOM and Resources Legacy Fund bring together their collective expertise in adaptation financing and investing to guide both public and private sector entities in what to consider, including adopting disclosure requirements that take into account climate and correspondingly, financial risk, and offers tools to support more transparent and successful public-private partnerships. For more detailed guidance, access the full report at


The Adapting to Rising Tides, Bay Area Sea Level Rise Analysis and Mapping Project presents a broad assessment of SF Bay’s shoreline exposure to inundation and flooding from a range of sea level rise scenarios and extreme storm events. It provides consistent inundation data and mapping products for all nine San Francisco Bay Area counties.


The Bay Area Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Ordinance Toolkit is a partnership effort of the Bay Area Regional Collaborative with the Bay Area Air Quality Management District and Bay Area Regional Energy Network, to provide streamlined technical assistance to local jurisdictions with the objective of expanding adoption of a solar photovoltaic ordinance on new residential and low-rise multifamily construction. This program is an evolving effort to better assist local governments in meeting local and state climate goals, and to prepare for the transition to zero-net-energy (ZNE).


The Raising the Bar on Regional Resilience report presents the case for prioritizing and mainstreaming resilience into regional planning, programming and funding. It explores the region's progress to date in resilience planning and provides examples where BARC member agencies in partnership with communities, local and regional stakeholders, and the private sector, can advance equitable and transparent resilience planning to ensure our region will continue to thrive in the face of climate change impacts.


The Raising the Bar on Regional Resilience report presents the case for prioritizing and mainstreaming resilience into regional planning, programming and funding. It explores the region's progress to date in resilience planning and provides examples where BARC member agencies in partnership with communities, local and regional stakeholders, and the private sector, can advance equitable and transparent resilience planning to ensure our region will continue to thrive in the face of climate change impacts.


Bay Area Solar Photovoltaic Ordinance Toolkit, a project of the Bay Area Regional Collaborative* and the Bay Area Regional Energy Network (BayREN)**, provides guidance for Bay Area cities and counties that are interested in requiring solar photovoltaic, or PV, systems on new single-family and low-rise multifamily residential units.


Bay Area Solar Photovoltaic Ordinance Toolkit, a project of the Bay Area Regional Collaborative* and the Bay Area Regional Energy Network (BayREN)**, provides guidance for Bay Area cities and counties that are interested in requiring solar photovoltaic, or PV, systems on new single-family and low-rise multifamily residential units. The Bay Area Solar PV Ordinance template allows local government staff to prepare the ordinance for adoption with minimal modifications.


Bay Area Solar Photovoltaic Ordinance Toolkit, a project of the Bay Area Regional Collaborative* and the Bay Area Regional Energy Network (BayREN)**, provides guidance for Bay Area cities and counties that are interested in requiring solar photovoltaic, or PV, systems on new single-family and low-rise multifamily residential units. The California Energy Commission Cost Effectiveness Analysis document provides required analysis that has already been recognized by the CEC to help streamline state approval of the model ordinance


Bay Area Solar Photovoltaic Ordinance Toolkit, a project of the Bay Area Regional Collaborative* and the Bay Area Regional Energy Network (BayREN)**, provides guidance for Bay Area cities and counties that are interested in requiring solar photovoltaic, or PV, systems on new single-family and low-rise multifamily residential units.


Bay Area Solar Photovoltaic Ordinance Toolkit, a project of the Bay Area Regional Collaborative* and the Bay Area Regional Energy Network (BayREN)**, provides guidance for Bay Area cities and counties that are interested in requiring solar photovoltaic, or PV, systems on new single-family and low-rise multifamily residential units. the Solar PV Ordinance Template streamlines the ordinance development and adoption process for local governments. It allows local governments to customize certain features. It includes information about optional enhancements to consider such as solar thermal, commercial buildings and high-rise buildings.

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