
We review local, regional and national news that touches on our work here at BARC. Whether it be renewable energy, rising sea levels, racial segregation or the changing landscape of new laws and new technologies that will shape our communities.

August 4, 2020 — An article in the New York Times today highlights how climate change is laying bare the limitations of our disaster response institutions, including FEMA, in responding to more frequent and severe natural disasters caused by climate change. This week alone, Hurricane Isaias and the Apple Fire are...
August 3, 2020 — A recent article in the New York Times reports on the results of a recent study, which finds that economic harm from rising seas will be faster and more widespread than previously thought, due to the effects of extreme tides, crashing waves and powerful coastal storms, which sea level rise will...
July 10, 2020 — A recent article in the New York Times puts forth a vision of a New York City re-designed to prioritize people; not cars. The article highlights the astronomical amount of space that American cities dedicate to cars and car infrastructure: in Manhattan, cars take up an area nearly four times as...
June 26, 2020 — A recent article in the New York Times highlights the impact that climate change is having on American homeownership-- specifically, the risks of sea level rise and flooding are making banks warier of lending to homebuyers in vulnerable areas. Climate change risks have already begun to push down...
June 19, 2020 — A recent article in HuffPost highlights West Oakland's struggle for cleaner air through a community-driven effort to reduce air pollution, and the challenges that Covid-19 creates for its residents -- both through reduced state funding for its efforts, as well as the direct public health risks that...

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