A right to drink? Inside the debate to protect US workers against the heat

The fight for workplace protections is front and center in the face of summer heatwaves across the country impacting outdoor workers disproportionately. Especially vulnerable are foreign-born Latino laborers, including both legal and undocumented immigrants. As climate change promises more extreme heat in our future, exposed workers risk heat exhaustion and even death. But in the US, there are no federal protections specifically designed to protect workers from environmental heat.

Scientists Develop Method To Cool One of the World’s Hottest Cities by 8°F

The findings of recent study, published in Nature Cities, show that a multi-faceted strategy to address extreme urban heat can cool Saudi Arabia’s capital city, Riyadh, by up to 8.1°F. These strategies include a combination of highly reflective ‘super cool’ building materials, irrigated greenery, and energy retrofitting measures. Extreme urban heat affects more than 450 cities worldwide, increasing energy consumption needs and adversely impacting health, including heat-related illness and death.

U.S. Billion-dollar Weather Disasters Set an All-time Record in 2023

According to NOAA, the United States recorded 28 weather and climate disasters that topped a billion dollars in damages in 2023, including California flooding in from January through March. The total cost of these events exceeds $92 billion (inflation adjusted) which is the ninth highest on record. Along with the economic cost, these disasters killed 492 people in 2023, including the drought and heats waves of the across South and the firestorm in Maui.