BARC Kicks Off Shared Work Plan Development

Following the adoption of BARC's Joint Resolution to Address Climate Change in September of 2021, cross-agency working groups from BARC's member agencies have begun the process of developing a Shared Work Plan, which will strategically align agency planning and regulatory initiatives within a 1-5 year time frame in order to accelerate the implementation of specific strategies that advance shared climate mitigation and adaptation goals. 

The working groups, which are broadly focused on climate adaptation and greenhouse gas emissions reduction, respectively, are currently identifying high-priority initiatives for heightened coordination to implement goals laid out in MTC/ABAG's Plan Bay Area 2050, BCDC's Bay Adapt, and BAAQMD's Clean Air Plan, among other regional planning efforts. Non-voting BARC member agencies the San Francisco Regional Water Quality Control Board and California State Coastal Conservancy are also participating.

Following the identification of the initiatives to be included, BARC will begin the development of a Draft Shared Work Plan to identify near-term action plans to carry out those initiatives, including identifying staffing and funding needs, and developing metrics to track progress. 

The Shared Work plan process is being overseen by BARC member agency leadership and the BARC Governing Board. Following the release of the Draft Shared Work Plan, there will be an open public comment period from approximately mid-March to mid-April.